In the 1800's, Brazil's imperial family frequently visited, staying at mansions built by the sugar barons.
You dine like a sugar baron could have only dreamed thanks to modern transport and fusion cooking.
It was a rambling old plantation-house, built a hundred years ago by one of the French sugar barons.
In the shadow of these oppressive brick carcasses I sense the power of the original sugar barons.
A rural union leader who had defied powerful sugar barons in northeastern Brazil has been shot to death, the police said today.
Environmentalists believe that the sugar barons will never pay their fair share unless someone picks their pocket.
Little changed, except that the power of the military and the now-influential coffee growers -increased, while it diminished for the sugar barons.
By 1943 he had become president of the union and was leading a battle for better working conditions and increased pay against the white sugar barons.
Among the more prominent groups were the guajiros, small farmers forced up into the hills by powerful sugar barons.
Son of a rich industrialist from Punjab, the sugar baron.