By the next morning, he had mastered the instrument sufficiently to perform passable covers of Elvis tunes.
Eskrima students start their instruction by learning to fight with weapons, and only advance to empty-hand training once the stick and knife techniques have been sufficiently mastered.
I thought I had sufficiently mastered the vernacular to be idiot-proof until one time in the Smoky Mountains resort of Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
The eighth-grade exam, to be given next Tuesday and Wednesday, is an important measure of academic achievement, showing whether students have sufficiently mastered the material to move on to more advanced work in high school.
Most of us had sufficiently mastered the zigzag pattern - when we were trying to go straight - before we set out across the channel.
BRIDGET FITZGERALD prides herself on three carefully acquired skills: Japanese, which she taught herself before entering college; the viola, which she has mastered sufficiently to earn a full scholarship to Juilliard, and Quake, a computer game in which she expertly blows things up.
Two months after he took office during a disruptive asbestos crisis and a divisive mayoral campaign, Mr. Cortines said he has begun to feel at home in New York and has sufficiently mastered the nation's largest system to outline plans for its reform.
We have been taught much, but have not yet mastered the rukh sufficiently to become Riders.
Jacoulet is considered one of the few western artists to have mastered the art of woodblock printing sufficiently to be recognized in Japan.
He said in part: I have not sufficiently mastered German, to allow my using it with impunity.