If the shock is sufficiently intense, the metal will fragment into many small shards, like those scattered from the steel shells of hand grenades.
But happily, the facts of Lawrence's history are, like his work, sufficiently intense and dramatic to keep us engaged.
Every once in a while it seemed to me that I detected a whiff of intelligence sufficiently intense to be considered human.
On a cloudless night, the sky is black because there is no sufficiently intense source of light to be reflected off the air.
It is a consequence of general relativity that, in sufficiently intense gravitational fields, matter collapses to form a black hole.
The Langston Field is also used within the fusion drive, to contain the reaction sufficiently intense to provide enough energy to power the ship.
In time, if the heat source is sufficiently intense, the salt will melt and become a clear liquid.
I might find the secret of the destruction of matter if I could get a sufficiently intense field.
-To put it briefly, no machine can be of secret design if the machine itself is available for sufficiently intense study.