A sufficiently detailed protocol includes details about data structures and representations, at which point it can be used to implement multiple, interoperable versions of a program.
Is the construction phase plan sufficiently detailed and accurate?
It follows that you must keep sufficiently detailed records of your capital items to enable you to carry out the necessary calculations.
This information can be checked for reliability on a sufficiently detailed chart of the area.
The brain scans used in the N.I.H. study do not give sufficiently detailed views of the patient's circulation to show individual arteries clearly.
The higher the top frequency recordable on the tape, the sharper the picture - assuming that the VCR itself can deliver a sufficiently detailed signal.
Look at any sufficiently detailed map of the Highlands and countless settlement sites will be marked.
But it builds a sufficiently detailed case to require serious examination of his theory.
Team executives said yesterday that they had initiated the meetings with the Police Department after their designs reached a sufficiently detailed stage.
Therefore, any further debate on the introduction of test scanners is only useful when sufficiently detailed impact assessments of the conditions listed above have been carried out.