He found these to be sufficiently accurate to determine the moon's position to 5", and consequently the longitude at sea to about half a degree.
The base images must have the right level of resolution and geometric quality to ensure that geolocation is sufficiently accurate.
A convergence test is specified in order to decide when a sufficiently accurate solution has (hopefully) been found.
If the material sample is sufficiently large we can get a sufficiently accurate measure.
That adds up to 86,400 seconds a day, and, for most of us, that is a sufficiently accurate measure.
However, the current state of knowledge, does not allow for a sufficiently accurate prediction of long-term outcome.
The M1 is sufficiently accurate at short ranges.
Bowring showed that the single iteration produces the sufficiently accurate solution.
It is either mine, or Andy's-or perhaps the instruments we had available then were not sufficiently accurate.
For many decades a sufficiently accurate chronometer was prohibitively expensive.