The public has the right, where there is sufficient demand, to receive federal government services in either English or French.
Alten took a few orders that winter, and there appeared to be sufficient demand for us to open a shop.
Ofcom has said it will be up to individual airlines to decide whether there is sufficient demand from passengers.
If there is sufficient demand a new tram line 7 will be also be introduced.
A thousand silver coins are being offered, and a small number may be produced in gold if there is sufficient demand.
Beginner courses are run in the ashram when there is sufficient demand.
More Albanian-language books will be brought in if there is sufficient demand, library officials said.
"If we don't have a significant drop in the economy," he said, "there will be sufficient demand for one new building."
We need to pay social welfare so that there is sufficient demand in the economy and the public purpose is fulfilled.
At issue again yesterday was whether sufficient demand indeed exists from investors who want to trade stocks for several hours in the evening.