Inferior gas was employed, and it would appear that the vessel had not sufficient buoyancy.
She appeared to have sufficient buoyancy forward to lift her over the next wave instead of burying the foredeck, something which normally prefaces a broach.
Her cargo provided sufficient buoyancy to keep her afloat, although a fire developed at the forward end of the ship.
This included sufficient buoyancy in the ships' sidewalls that they would float even with the tank deck flooded.
It had sufficient positive buoyancy to run awash while supporting a second G7e, with warhead, slung below.
These platforms have hulls (columns and pontoons) of sufficient buoyancy to cause the structure to float, but of weight sufficient to keep the structure upright.
As long as the flooding is localised, this can allow a ship to retain sufficient buoyancy to remain afloat.
They reasoned that sufficient buoyancy in the after section could tilt the sub on her nose and extend the stern above the surface.
Meanwhile, boats got longer and hulls got narrower, until they were as narrow as was possible while still retaining sufficient buoyancy and balance.
As the animal grew, new chambers were added to provide sufficient buoyancy for the increasing weight.