Even the powerful British Broadcasting Corporation suffered retaliation after reporting on human rights problems.
If an employee suffers retaliation, legal recourse is available under a patchwork of state and federal laws.
Instead, the officers said, they not only suffered discrimination but also retaliation for pursuing discrimination complaints against the agency.
These rules were designed to assure that neither Washington nor Moscow could launch a nuclear attack without fear of suffering effective retaliation.
The Piankeshaw suffered retaliation from Americans for attacks made by other native tribes, however.
Have you suffered retaliation for reporting this activity?
Those that remained did not appear to have suffered any negative consequences or retaliation or by the union, but continued to be members in good standing.
Baldwin also says he suffered retaliation from the State Department, including interference with his passport.
No employee will suffer retaliation or intimidation as a result of using the internal complaint procedure.