They denounced the Mayor and said he would suffer politically among Irish Catholics.
In the end, Mr. Bush may not suffer politically if, deep down, people are loath to change their lifestyles.
Early polls indicate some lawmakers may suffer politically from their initial opposition.
He sounded crestfallen at times, even suggesting that he could suffer politically at home for compromising too much.
But yesterday, a major municipal labor leader warned that the Mayor would suffer politically if he bowed to such pressures.
Some Republicans warned that their party could suffer politically if it falls short.
He did so knowing that some of his Democratic colleagues may suffer politically in this election year because of their votes against the resolution.
For one thing he believes the Freedom-to-Farm bill would suffer politically because it would make aid to farmers look more like a welfare program.
Mr. Kristol argued that the Bush administration was suffering politically for applying too little force, not too much.
But very few people think they can stick with the governor's budget and its tough package of cuts and not suffer politically at home.