Paying a stiff price, however, was Daneyko, who suffered a ligament injury in his right knee.
After playing the first five games of the following season, he suffered a cruciate ligament injury in his right knee in August 1991.
However, he broke his hand on 10 March 2007 and suffered a torn ligament in his left knee.
But Fabini never finished the game, suffering serious ligament damage in his knee, which ended his season.
In September, he suffered a torn cartilage in his right knee and had to sit out the remainder of the season.
LeMond, suffering from pain in his right knee and general exhaustion, made it over only one of the three formidable climbs before he quit.
McCann also suffered further problems with tendinitis in his right knee, which kept him out of action for the rest of the 2008-09 season.
She suffered 15 fractures in her left knee.
Holmes left Rangers' ground on crutches after suffering medial ligament damage in his right knee.
Alvarez also suffered ligament damage in his knee.