The tree seems to suffer little from the early loss of its leaves.
I wrote not so long ago about a woman who was still suffering from the much earlier loss of her brother.
It was enough to know that Bey would suffer from the loss of anything inside.
Intellectual life has suffered from the loss of state support.
Yet intellectuals have also suffered from the loss of an authority to fight.
Many bands suffered from the loss of personnel and quality declined at home during the war years.
Today the region is again suffering from the loss of young educated people, who go away to find better employment in, for example, southern Germany.
"Our game never suffers from the loss of anyone," he said.
In 2010 she voluntary contributed to music made to relief women suffering from the loss of a baby, just before, during or soon after birth.
The character was portrayed more serious in this story, suffering heavily from the loss of his family.