Since 1984, Emery has suffered continuous erosion in its financial results.
Areas which already have high levels of deforestation suffer significant erosion.
James Island is suffering heavy erosion, and is now approximately 1/6 of the size during the time when the fort was active.
Throughout the 19th century, the Church had suffered erosion of membership.
It was built too far into the sea and constantly suffered erosion, until now reduced to a pile of rocks.
But it has suffered erosion in its old markets.
This region was long held to have suffered serious erosion accompanied by population growth.
While some beaches have suffered erosion, there are still plenty of places to swim, surf or lie in the sun.
The church had already suffered much erosion by the river and was in a state of collapse.
The church stands on a lane leading directly towards the sea, in an area of coast which has suffered significant ongoing erosion.