He returned to action but suffered dizziness, nausea and headaches that forced him to stay off skates after Nov. 7.
You suffer constant dizziness or lightheadedness.
He has suffered migraine headaches, depression, mood swings and dizziness.
According to one observer, Graf suffered dizziness during practices early last week when she was still under doctor's orders to recuperate.
Hundreds of farmers are believed to have suffered dizziness, skin irritation and even chronic weakness after exposure to the chemicals.
The four people on the Seattle-based plane suffered dizziness, sore joints, and chest and ear pain.
Perhaps she had suffered momentary dizziness as she'd entered the shop; but that could not be the whole truth.
In the early hours of Oct. 23, Ms. Robar began to suffer chest pain and dizziness.
I don't suffer much dizziness.
Many patients suffer weight loss, headaches, dizziness and frequent urination in the early part of the illness.