He believed there were "preventive" checks such as moral restraints (abstinence, delayed marriage until finances become balanced), and restricting marriage against persons suffering poverty and/or defects.
Considered purely as constitutional text, these words, "constitutional design," "system of federalism," and "plan of the convention," suffer several defects.
The gradually increasing power conditioned the Germans such they did not realise that anyone was interfering with the system, but believed that it suffered several inherent defects.
Like all other living things in the animal Kingdom, fish are complex biological 'machines' which, from time to time, break down or suffer defects.
The ship had suffered serious defects in her propulsion system, which necessitated a return to occupied France for repairs.
Phosphoenolpyruvate transporter knock out mutants survive in the blood stages but suffer defects during maturation.
The Korean achievement in no way eases concerns that cloned fetuses or babies might suffer devastating defects.
Often as the locomotives suffered mechanical defects or were in need of repairs they were sidelined.
But they also suffer defects besides the potential environmental problems.
It also makes exceptions in cases of grave danger to the pregnant woman's health or if the fetus suffers grave defects.