It was a strong symbolic gesture of support by a Russian leader for a faith that suffered decades of persecution during Soviet times.
The house was altered in the 19th century, but suffered decades of neglect in the 20th century.
Like many urban landmarks, it has suffered decades of indignity.
New Jersey's child welfare system has suffered decades of neglect, and won't be corrected without time, patience and money.
The transgender hijra community, often known as 'wedding dancers', has suffered decades of discrimination and harassment in Pakistan.
Longtime Resentment The Arabs have suffered decades of humiliating military and political defeats.
They have suffered decades of discrimination in employment, housing and education.
The years after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the city, and Cuba in general have suffered decades of economic deterioration.
The riots caused more people (and jobs) to leave the area, which suffered decades of disinvestment.
Greece was to suffer decades of military dictatorship while in Italy the Communist Party continued to hold back struggles.