It was the first time he had been ready to pitch since July 1, when he suffered a torn muscle in the right shoulder.
In the third game, against Houston, George suffered a pulled abdominal muscle and missed the next three games.
Injuries nearly prevented him from doing so, with the player suffering a ruptured muscle the day before the opening ceremony.
In April of that season, Holder suffered a pulled muscle during a game, which caused him to miss some playing time.
Sanchez Vicario said she suffered a stretched muscle early in the match, an injury that all but eliminated her service game.
McGriff suffered a strained muscle in his left rib cage.
Allen suffered a pulled muscle in his rib cage late in the spring.
Messier suffered a pulled muscle and played the next few shifts in pain, a grimace on his face.
Mattingly suffered a strained muscle in his right rib cage during early batting practice Friday afternoon.
This was done to write Christian off television, as he had suffered a torn pectoral muscle.