Tears welled suddenly in the bloodshot eyes, and ran slowly down the weather-beaten grooves of his face.
Foolishly, the roughness from one who had been so kind was the last straw, and tears suddenly welled into her eyes.
A film of tears suddenly welled in his eyes.
She rolled onto her back, fighting the tears that welled suddenly in her eyes.
Tears suddenly welled in his eyes, and rolled down his cheeks.
The only feeling that suddenly welled within Pitt was one of disgust.
Something went flashing just between us then, a seaman there on the deck grabbing at his chest, the blood suddenly welling forth!
His sympathy for the old woman suddenly welled and his first impression of her mellowed.
Tears welled suddenly from eyes that stared without hope across an immeasurable distance.
Tears welled suddenly and unexpectedly in her eyes.