She suddenly uttered a squeak of surprise.
It was as if a taut city suddenly and collectively uttered the word, "Decaf."
The brothers started to laugh, but their laughter was cut short as Trigger suddenly uttered a low, warning growl.
Professor Trelawney, however, did not sit down; her enormous eyes had been roving around the table, and she suddenly uttered a kind of soft scream.
Mother Still suddenly uttered a wish that she were back on what she called the big farm; "but then we have to do as best we can."
But at that moment a nightingale in the wood suddenly uttered two low contralto notes.
Norma suddenly uttered a long, snoring breath.
Contemplating the moving lights, Steward suddenly uttered a single, tight expletive.
She looked at Richard uncomprehendingly for a moment, and then suddenly uttered a cry of horror which she quickly stifled.
Benelek suddenly uttered a resounding oath and banged his fists on the table.