As he looked into Rufus's astonished eyes, Michael suddenly regretted ever coming here.
Horris suddenly regretted coming back, thinking that perhaps Biggar had been right after all.
There was silence on the line, and Claire suddenly regretted having spoken so frankly.
"They will be after you," he said, suddenly regretting his lightheartedness.
He suddenly regretted the tenderheartedness that had caused him to refuse a companion on this voyage.
Irrationally, he suddenly regretted that they'd given her the money.
Her eyes met mine with that glint of humor, and I regretted suddenly the years that separated us.
She suddenly regretted advising the Primus to avoid irritating the situation.
She bit her Up, suddenly regretting her stream of questions.
He suddenly regretted translating the last two lines.