As he did so, Helen jabbed suddenly upward with her trident, catching the fellow squarely in the chest.
He suddenly jabbed a finger at his first officer and firmly said, "Riker, you're in charge of figuring out how to deal with that thing."
But Tasslehoff suddenly jabbed him in the ribs with his elbow.
He raised the spear and suddenly jabbed downward.
"You know what the problem is with our script," Martin said, suddenly jabbing at their 30 carefully wrought pages.
Then, as if suddenly jabbed with a pin, he started shouting.
The ship mistress suddenly jabbed a hand in the direction of Secca's right.
He suddenly jabbed a thick, pink finger at Julian.
A beam of deep indigo lashed across space, a finger suddenly jabbing at the other ship.
He pinned him in the corner with a heavy forearm, and suddenly jabbed the shiny blade at Mark's waist.