Then he saw them suddenly float into the air, rise past the summit of the steep bank and disappear beyond it.
Thanks to the virt, Sayyid was suddenly floating outside in the void.
It was creepy to see this human replica, suddenly floating over the desert.
Then, as I stared, the bug suddenly floated free.
At the expiration of that period, he suddenly floated, and said, 'Well!
Jeremy's body suddenly floated back into the air in the center of the grove, the arms and legs floundering.
It suddenly floated toward the wall, gave quick, parting flashes and disappeared.
It lasted only a split second, but it was as if she were suddenly floating outside her own body, watching the scene unfold.
I was terrified that Hank would suddenly float to the top and come ashore right in front of us.
The penguin is suddenly floating in a slushy pool of blood.