As they explore the building, they suddenly encounter each other through opposite windows in an office.
A voice "not unlike God's" recalls a time when the human race "suddenly encountered a deadly threat to its very existence".
Whatever the reality, it is clear that Random House suddenly encountered unexpected financial problems.
He thought the way was clear until he suddenly encountered another knight at the top of the stairs.
I was going through the library, when I suddenly encountered my wife.
She had already lived through one episode of believing her husband dead, only to suddenly encounter him alive.
Turning one of these points, we suddenly encountered our old friend, the General, riding towards us, attended by a mounted servant.
The "silent" ones, male and female, suddenly encountered bewildering shifts.
The two aircraft suddenly encountered each other in the mist, neither having time to take evasive action.
He states that after suddenly encountering the craft on the ground, "we all hit the ground, and it went up into the trees".