This world- whether some Xindi had lived here or not- had been destroyed suddenly, violently.
The elegance of her descent was suddenly destroyed by a broken landing.
Set after the previous game, the town of Hope River is suddenly destroyed.
The film, however, is suddenly destroyed by the projector.
So it is not hard to imagine what happens when files are suddenly destroyed, which happens every year in fires, floods and other disasters.
The first type, a boundary or an exterior crisis, the attractor is suddenly destroyed as the parameters are varied.
-citons may be transferred, psychons are- The connection was suddenly destroyed.
He jerked his head around and whipped the binoculars up to his eyes to focus on what had suddenly destroyed the morning's calm.
These numerous races had suddenly destroyed themselves in an apparent mass-suicide, environmental destruction, or otherwise massive wars.
The previous century was destroyed by a chestnut disease nutritional foundation suddenly.