The stream curved suddenly when it issued out of the ravine.
Over the next two days, it moved generally south-southeast and slowly weakened, curving suddenly east-southeast beginning on September 30.
He looked out over the fields and buildings, then looked down, a smile suddenly curving the wide mouth.
Some distance ahead, the lights became more numerous, fading into the darkness along a line veering left as if the road curved suddenly in that direction.
The corners of her mouth suddenly curved upwards, and a series of emotions slipped across her face that he couldn't define.
Her lips curved suddenly in an unpleasant smile.
Beyond the village the road curved suddenly out of sight of the houses then began the long straight climb to the abbey.
The corridor curved suddenly into a sort of stark foyer with lift tube.
It curved round very suddenly and entered a dip in the ground where it opened out into a pond.
Maura followed Miss Clausen's pickup truck up a road that suddenly curved away from the coast and wound up a bluff.