Then, when all the elements suddenly converge, there is tremendous excitement and activity and an enormous amount of speculation.
One could calculate a pressure pulse due to that mass flow suddenly converging in the middle.
As he fell, a half dozen more aliens suddenly converged to take his place, actually getting into a shoving contest over who would take the honor.
It's impossible to stand still very long on the sidewalk because the crowd is like two rivers converging and going suddenly into rapids on the pathway through the trees.
Denise Massey, 48, was gambling with her fiancé on the first floor of Harrah's when she noticed 20 to 30 bikers suddenly converge.
Like an army of ants, squid funguses were suddenly converging on them from all directions.
This explains why three or more vessels may suddenly converge on the same whale.
Uniformed militia were suddenly converging on the picket from every side street.
Two cars were suddenly converging.
They'd be on us like locusts if the heads of state suddenly converged there at this time of morning.