Scott, his interest suddenly commanded, thought, A show of muscle, by God!
Despite his very recent promotion, he suddenly commanded enormous leverage within the councils of the HBC.
Street shovelers suddenly commanded high wages, sometimes as much as 10 times their normal $1-a-day wage.
Surprisingly, Kiyokawa suddenly commanded the group to return to Edo when they had just arrived in Kyoto.
Street shovelers suddenly commanded high wages, sometimes as much as 10 times the usual dollar-a-day wage.
Here, Barlo commanded suddenly.
"But why else would he suddenly command that we be shut up in a dungeon?"
When the South seceded, one result was that Whiggish policies on economic and infrastructure issues suddenly commanded reliable majorities in the shrunken Congress.
Get ready to heave the bags out," the radio voice suddenly commanded again.
It was a replay of 1992, with Labor suddenly commanding the political high ground and Tories on the run.