They say a fog, a thick mist, the dragon's breath, would suddenly blow across the sea, hiding the land.
"Maybe-"she began, and the door suddenly blew away into the night, sucking her along with it.
Gale force winds arose, blowing suddenly out of nowhere, strong enough to pick up a man and carry him away.
She stared grimly ahead, carefully shutting herself off from the cold wind that suddenly blew around her heart.
The group in the middle hall suddenly blew apart and began to run.
Do you remember the hot wind that suddenly blew into the sacristy while we were talking?
It sprayed from the pressure differential, not because he was suddenly blowing an artery.
A cool wind suddenly blew from the river and died as quickly.
When the gas tank suddenly blew, Yousef was knocked to the ground.
A sudden gust of wind suddenly blowing the fog on past!