In the yard beyond, horses stood saddled, waiting; fire from a smithy within the walls billowed suddenly, died.
Tiria took note of activity on the stage, the draperies billowing suddenly here and there from movement behind them.
One of the loveliest aspects of this luminous piece is the relationship of music and dance, as when the dancers' arms extend and lower at one point to suddenly billowing music.
As Sheryl and Kio neared, the plume suddenly billowed, then twisted as the drivers whipped the oxen into a lumbering run.
He strode to the doors, slid them open, and stepped through the suddenly billowing white curtains.
As if in answer to this thought, Khabbani's kheffiyah suddenly billowed around his face as a hot blast of wind one struck his back.
Rooted in the Latin surgere, "to rise," the primary sense of the verb is "to billow suddenly and with great force, as in a great wave."
She watched the sails suddenly billow.
These days, with all the steam the system has built up over a decade of High Putinism suddenly billowing forth, humor has been front and center.
The window was still half-open; the curtains billowed suddenly into the room with a gust of wind, and I felt the hairs rise on my arms with cold.