The loss of a loved one, sudden stark tragedy invading lives.
Indeed, though sudden tragedy still pushes a lot of people over the edge, even more are drifting almost casually into insolvency.
That is why viewers stay glued to the screen when sudden tragedy occurs, hearing the same bits of information over and over.
The other dancers were standing aghast at the sudden tragedy.
Some parents spoke of the intrusion of the press and of sudden tragedy into the lives of their children.
The sudden tragedy that occurs here seems arbitrary by comparison.
Youth, strength and glamour seldom combine with sudden tragedy.
Even a sudden personal tragedy doesn't devastate this indefatigable font of resilience.
Just what happens to people's world when you have a sudden tragedy; how many people need looking after who are left behind, in so many ways.
Whether such, one person alone could have defined it, and he had not arrived in time to view the sudden tragedy: The Shadow!