They dealt with a sudden swirl of assailants in the open space.
There was a sudden swirl of red color, as if a giant unfurling flag had fallen.
As he switched off the engine he felt a sudden deep swirl of fear.
My hair lifted in a sudden swirl of power as I began the second half.
"That tears it-" A sudden swirl inside his skull sat him down again.
Then those icons came together, interpenetrating in a sudden, angry swirl of colored lights.
A sudden swirl of water at her stern and she was stationary, everything held motionless as in a still picture.
He ... With a sudden swirl 6f black, the figure before him moved.
Jen was about to evaluate it for herself when a sudden swirl of garish color drew her attention to the screen on the far left.
But what's that about a sudden swirl of water?