A blizzard of disorientation, a sudden snowstorm in her mind, clouding and making uncertain all previous knowledge.
During an organized escape to Spain over the Pyrenees mountains, his group got lost in a sudden snowstorm.
Avalanches, sudden snowstorms and frostbite are real dangers.
A sudden snowstorm canceled the race on Saturday, with Street in 13th place.
A sudden snowstorm forces them to seek shelter at the manor of Vivers.
A sudden snowstorm allows them to replenish their water supply.
Today, as a sudden snowstorm blew through town and temperatures fell toward freezing, they faced a problem that eventually could make them regret the deal.
Climbers slog past dead bodies of other climbers who fell or froze in sudden snowstorms.
An empty stomach suggests that it had been at least eight hours before he died, perhaps in a sudden snowstorm.
Despite damage caused by last October's sudden snowstorm and this summer's drought, the general impression of the forested areas still is bright and colorful.