As we drew near, there was a sudden terrible racket from the direction of the outbuildings, and Donas shied and reared.
ONE hot summer night not long ago there was at the window near my pillow a sudden racket.
What a relief it was to choking Stubb, when a rat made a sudden racket in the hold below.
The Plymouth's engine made a sudden, dreadful racket, as if it had just been hit by machine-gun fire.
He turned toward the sudden racket.
"Franca, you can count-" Dalton spun at a sudden racket behind him.
The woman jumped reflexively at the sudden racket but seemed impervious to the splattering of her fiance's blood and brain matter.
There was a sudden racket outside, punctuated by the sound of automatic guns.
"So I take it that these principles of turbulence --" A sudden blistering racket erupted from a neighboring stall.
The sudden racket of the heavier weapon, then the stutter of another P90.