The sudden misgivings on Calazar's face, even with its alien Ganymean features, was unmistakable.
The attendant turned over the keys and Bolan approached the car with sudden misgivings.
I tried to say something to Kate, to express my sudden misgivings, but she was already heading down the hallway toward the front door.
"Sir," he said with sudden misgiving, "if I did carry a gun, what sort would you advise?"
Branding had sudden misgivings, as if he had come too near the fire, and was suddenly in danger of being burned.
Nadine felt a sudden misgiving, wondering how Ilya might treat a child who reminded him so bitterly of those days.
Later, when she took the matrix between her hands, he was filled with sudden misgiving.
The MP major standing behind the open cab felt sudden misgivings as the cycle rider came straight at the van's windshield.
Of course there were days when I had sudden misgivings, Vivienne.
A determined glint in her aunt's eye had caused Lucy to become aware of a sudden misgiving.