He cursed himself inwardly for this sudden indisposition, which had come at the worst possible moment.
The man was evidently ill, and utterly unable to proceed, so the curtain was lowered, and the audience dispersed, with many comments upon the lecturer's sudden indisposition.
She had attended the games, Chorzel had seen her; if he protested at her early departure she would plead a sudden indisposition.
Hatty was seen talking to her maid upon arrival at the house; ten minutes into the wedding breakfast, Hatty claimed "a sudden indisposition" and retired to her room.
'When you preached upon the sudden indisposition of our late Superior.'
"I regret deeply that my lady wife will not be able to attend your soiree on account of her sudden indisposition."
Ms. Hogan, who joined the cast several days before last night's opening, after the sudden indisposition of the original actress, is clearly too young for the role.
Perhaps a sudden indisposition?
A sudden indisposition.
Halfway through his fifth term in Parliament, on 21 November 1959, Meisdalshagen suffered from a sudden indisposition after a parliamentary speech.