Caught in his own sudden inability to reach her, to reassure her or even himself, he watched the dome grow ahead.
The girls took advantage of the boys' sudden inability to catch or shoot and before long the game was over and the girls won 12-8.
A sudden and complete inability to urinate is a medical emergency; you should see your doctor immediately.
It's his sudden inability to tell a good tale that will be his death-knell.
Van Gundy's main criticism of himself seems to be his sudden inability to motivate his players.
But what was a big deal was Franco's sudden inability to throw a strike.
The primary symptom of dissociative amnesia is the sudden inability to remember past experiences or personal information.
Gait freezing is characterized by a sudden inability to move the lower extremities which usually lasts less than 10 seconds.
One of the most difficult aspects of his wife's sickness has been his sudden inability to support his mother.
The cause of death, which was ruled to be "apparent respiratory failure," did not explain the patient's sudden inability to breathe.