At the door I had a sudden flashback to my dinner with Galiano at the Gucumatz.
It gave me a sudden flashback.
Things are fine, but she is constantly haunted by sudden flashbacks and dreams about her parents.
Victims suffer sudden flashbacks and can collapse in tears or explode into violence for what seems to be little or no reason.
He then gets a sudden flashback and remembers seeing a picture of Kersey's girlfriend in the insurgent base, meaning she is his accomplice.
He had a sudden, painful flashback to when he had first embraced his son David.
Ace had a sudden, ludicrous flashback: a red doubledecker backing into Hanwell bus garage.
There's a sudden flashback to the very beginning of the movie when the jock finds the dead men.
I had a sudden flashback of several decades, and made a clumsy attempt to interrupt him.
I was following behind him when I had a sudden flashback.