Many local residents protested the sudden closing, but to no avail.
The sudden closing has distressed merchants along the historic main street of this resort town.
The sudden closing of The Sciences has brought the debate over the academy's future into sharp focus.
Due to the sudden closing of Fangoria Comics, the remaining three issues went unreleased.
The series saw three of the four planned issues released prior to Fangoria Comics sudden closing.
The sudden closing was the first since September 16, 1920, when 30 people were killed by a bomb at the Exchange.
Tarma was struck with a sudden closing of the throat, and she blinked to clear misting eyes.
However, even at positive angles, a sudden closing of the throttle followed by the model striking the ground can deflect the blades far enough to cause contact.
She later talked to Madame Chen about the sudden closing of the school.
It gets its name from the resemblance between the motion of the limb and the sudden closing of a claspknife after sufficient pressure is applied.