With his sudden celebrity from the recording, and the later film of the same name, came permission to tour the world.
Amid the hoopla, Santos knows who is responsible for his sudden celebrity: the horse.
Ms. Messinger shrugged off such questions as she made the best of her sudden political celebrity.
Thyssa had told the boy, who rather enjoyed his sudden celebrity.
Asked how the sudden celebrity changed his brother, Tom Kemp laughed.
For now, the young Brewer squad (12 of the 24 players on the roster have played less than one season) is relishing its sudden celebrity.
Martin acknowledged the "mental fatigue" created by both his golf and his sudden celebrity.
The grace with which Jodhi handled her sudden celebrity.
Helen's sudden celebrity as an author creates a rift in her relationship with Andy.
And yesterday, at least, he never appeared burdened by his sudden celebrity as the guy in the cart.