Japan's sudden aversion to beef has already knocked $36 off the average price of an American cow ready for slaughter.
But too late; he had already told her and he could see by her face, by the flicker of sudden aversion, that she knew.
Hugely popular in the early 1980's, the Atari Corporation was whipsawed by its young consumers' sudden aversion to its games.
And where had she developed this sudden aversion to crowds?
Developing a sudden aversion to Woodrow's proximity, he had stood up and pushed open the French window.
At some point during the early morning, the President developed a sudden uncharacteristic aversion to reporters, and could not be reached for comment.
Well, there was this sudden aversion to Beethoven squared.
Why Cadwin had gained a sudden aversion for a train ride, was something that he himself could hardly have explained.
Abaddon says that while looking at you he discerned a sudden aversion in you to performing service to the Temple tonight.
I've developed this sudden aversion to sleeping alone in my apartment.