Then it dawned upon her with the terror of some sudden natural catastrophe-an avalanche, a wall of water, an earthquake: I love him!
The sudden avalanche of pressure felt like it would crush them.
He tried not to feel too overwhelmed by this sudden avalanche of brothers, but he couldn't help but wonder if they were eying him.
It is a more spontaneous activity, like reacting to the appearance of a strange animal or a sudden avalanche in an unfamiliar country.
"Why this sudden avalanche of information?"
The name triggered a sudden avalanche of memories.
Mr. Affleck seems to look on the sudden avalanche of money and fame with a cool distance.
I suppose you're picturing yourself swept downstream by a sudden avalanche of appetizers, eh, Magnan?
It was renowned for its ski slopes and sudden avalanches.
She was prepared to hear about a sudden avalanche or a piece of equipment failing.