Years after the wish, it was granted, leaving Haruma with a sudden addition to his household.
The sudden addition of an outlaw brother had been bad enough, but an entire species of criminals?
This sudden addition of his sounded so funny that we all broke into laughter.
It is no sudden addition to his résumé.
What worried him most was the fear that Fuji would complain of this sudden addition to his duties.
Aleksi had a feeling that the sudden addition of a family, so many and so varied, might well help Tess get over her grief.
The combination of the twist and the sudden addition of weight broke his grip, and she slid under his arm.
The sudden addition of hot coals caused the fat to pop, like it will in a skillet.
The captain was also unprepared for the sudden addition to the radio conference.
After more than three decades of living without emotions, their sudden addition to his consciousness had changed his entire way of thinking--of being.