This ruse, along with his sudden abandonment of his career, may have led one fan (Maddie Fitzpatrick's mother) to believe that he was dead.
- the view Julia would take of her stepdaughter's sudden abandonment of the mild rebelliousness she had recently shown.
The lifeboat was missing, yet the Mary Celeste herself was still under sail and there were signs of a sudden and unexplained abandonment.
Quentin felt the jolt of sudden abandonment as Fenris left his body.
Conceptually, this episode witnessed the relatively sudden and widespread abandonment or relocation of many Hohokam villages and a short-lived population decline.
It had been hard to get used to the bustle and activity of Macross City, but this sudden abandonment of it was even stranger.
His sudden abandonment of the auditorium expansion suggests several things to me.
But America's sudden abandonment of the region, a theater of ops it had invested in so heavily, was a strategic mistake of historic proportions.
Thousands now stranded here say that with neither goal attained, their sudden abandonment by Mr. Brunswijk has left them in a perilous limbo.