When the attendant finally let him go, Barclay instantly stuck his thumb into his mouth and sucked furiously.
When a match is struck, producing a five-inch flame, he sucks furiously on the pipe, whose intoxicating scent mingles with the whiff of singed fingers.
He sucked furiously on the joint, staring at the ceiling.
She swallowed the first pill-it was candy-and sucked furiously on the second, which was something else.
Sucking furiously, he did a small dance as vibrating pain lanced through them.
Well," Zark shrugged his shoulders and sucked furiously at the pipe to clear his vision, "I reached the sea.
Paolo whimpered softly; Stassi had her whole hand in her mouth, sucking furiously.
Sirens screamed on the highway behind us and Lula furiously sucked on the shake.
Placing her thumb in her mouth, she sucked on it furiously for a few seconds before settling down once more into a deep sleep.
In this one, a boy wound up stuck inside a Pepsi bottle after he sucked furiously on a straw to capture the last drops of soda.