Several organizations, such as the Center for Backyard Astrophysics, exist to help coordinate these contributions.
The 'attrition through enforcement' doctrine is one that think tanks such as the Center for Immigration Studies have been supporting for several years.
Some consumer advocate organizations, such as the Center for Digital Democracy, have criticized neuromarketing's potentially invasive technology.
However, they have established organisations to promote Korean language and culture, such as the Korean Center of Education which opened in Bishkek in 2001.
That is partially why institutions such as the Center for Global Development are searching for "pro-poor" economic policies.
The laboratories of the institute's ten departments conduct research in Biology, some of them being national standards, such as the Center of Electronic Microscopy.
The college also offers services for students such as the Writing Center and the Math Center.
It is the subject of research at institutions such as the Center for Lingnan Culture.
Pro-enforcement U.S. think tanks such as the Center for Immigration Studies have supported an "attrition through enforcement" doctrine.
The term "civil society organization" (CSO) has been used by a growing number of organizations, such as the Center for the Study of Global Governance.