Eurythmy is often performed with spoken texts such as poetry, stories or plays.
Resources such as video footage and stories was also shared.
In addition to poetry, his views found expression in other forms such as plays, film scripts, short stories and essays.
Outside of the television series, the character has appeared substantially in Expanded Universe material such as novels, comic books, and short stories.
Why is narrative divided into different genres, such as poetry, short stories, and novels?
Various students' works such as short stories, comic strips and illustrations are also featured in the magazine.
This includes abstract objects such as scientific theories, stories, myths, tools, social institutions, and works of art.
Each mission contains up to 13 different learning activities such as stories, rhymes, interactive games, dialogs and songs.
Park told him about the outside world, such as stories about food that Shin had not experienced before.
In addition all newspapers carry articles of interest such as stories on medical developments, health and safety, the environment and transport.