In the routine, he also talks about family members such as his parents, grandparents, uncle, and his younger brother.
She had secretly hoped for a lithe, handsome child, such as her brother Lano must have been as a baby.
His mother is overly excited, and tells the whole village such as Karan's brother; cousins and rest of his family.
However, it also relates Poole's own experiences in visiting the hareems that were closed to male visitors such as her brother.
Other liberties include created characters such as Miss Havisham's late younger brother, an entomologist and a conduit for his sister's views on men.
She has a strong personality and sometimes loses her temper, but is really very caring when it comes to those she loves, such as her brother Teppei.
Many new characters were added such as Wayne's brother and his family.
If a close member of your family, such as your brother, sister, or parent, has had colon cancer, talk with your doctor about colonoscopy screening.
In talk directed towards specific participants, such as Brenda's father and her brother, Brenda tends to accommodate to the addressee's preferred variety.
The only people earmarked for leadership are those such as yourself and your brother - Oxford university graduates who went straight into politics as an end in itself.