How poor folk have a hard time acquiring the most basic things, such as food, health care, education, and housing.
These responsibilities are affected by major local government services such as housing, education and welfare.
Government workers provide many of the services that are needed by Israel's large immigrant population, such as housing, education, and vocational training.
At the same time, other infrastructure such as roads and housing were built.
During his administration, he tried to implement a number of programs in areas such as education, health, urban development and housing.
The high defense expenditure took money from other development projects such as education, health care and housing.
These rights include areas such as housing, employment, education, or use of public facilities.
The two countries also signed deals in areas such as oil, natural gas, textiles, trade and public housing.
It has also covered issues such as water rights, education reform, affordable housing, and immigration law.
She was thus not entitled to help getting herself straight such as housing and ongoing support.