The reporting team is composed of about reporters, responsible for specific beats such as economy, sports, crime, national and provincial assemblies or major government departments.
However, over the past hundred years or so, formal procedures have evolved which are recognised by all record holders, such as government departments, companies and organisations.
Other organizations, such as mobile phone companies, insurance companies, landlords, and government departments employ the same techniques.
Public authorities - such as government departments, local councils and educational institutions - may hold a variety of information relating to commercial activities.
Training for Canada and allied governments was performed for essential services such as government departments, Merchant Marines, and, of course, the important manufacturing industry.
A third strand has been to act as lay-advisors to bodies such as central government departments, to remind them on their ongoing responsibilities when disasters happen.
Websites that showcase any legal entity such as celebrities, corporations and government departments, NGO's etc.
Some organisations, such as banks and government departments, may not recognise a name change without documentation, such as a deed or statutory declaration.
This can include information provided by you, as well as by others, such as other government departments or agencies and overseas tax and customs authorities.
It is also used to show lines of responsibility in personnel structures such as government departments.