Introduced animals such as rabbits, foxes and horses can also be seen throughout the park.
This has been attributed to the introduction of pest animals such as rabbits and foxes.
The grounds are a haven for birds and small animals such as foxes.
They are then trained to guard the farm against potential predators, such as foxes.
This means their nests are not very safe from predators such as foxes.
For example, in a forest community there are different populations, such as grass, rabbits, and foxes.
The island was chosen due to its lack of predators such as cats, foxes and snakes.
The chickens also need to be protected from predators such as foxes, which is often done with fences.
Keeping birds inside a house protects them from predators such as hawks and foxes.
Introduced predators such as foxes and domestic cats may have forced this species into extinction.