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Politics is about making agreements between people so that they can live together in groups such as tribes, cities, or countries.
In large groups, such as countries, some people may spend a lot of their time making such agreements.
Other places, such as large countries, can have very low population densities.
In some countries, such as Muslim countries, women do not wear t-shirts outside of the home.
And most researchers consider differences across political entities such as countries or local governments.
Many also moved to the housing project from far worse situations such as impoverished countries and even lower income neighborhoods.
The term often refers to the relationship between the entire human population and its environment, the Earth, or to smaller geographical areas such as countries.
Traitors to political entities, such as parties, cities, or countries, are located here.
This will allow immediate action and the necessary adaptations, especially in very sensitive areas of the planet such as poor countries.
Public consequences usually involve collective actors, such as countries, states, organizations, or social movements.